great news. all your questions will soon be answered.
need more assistance? contact us and we’ll do our best to help.
where do you ship?
as much as our products would love to travel abroad, we’re only shipping within the united states at this time. stay tuned for future availability in other countries!
is your hand “wash” as effective as hand soap?
absolutely. our hand washes are soap and can be used in the same way with the same efficacy as other leading liquid soap brands. it’s always a good idea to follow the CDC guidelines for effective hand washing (fyi, the “Golden Girls” theme song is about 20 seconds if you’re getting tired of “Happy Birthday”). Let us know if you have any other questions + happy hand washing.
is your hand soap effective against COVID-19?
no. we don’t make specific claims regarding COVID-19. currently, no products in the market have been tested specifically against the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and can’t prove efficacy against it. however, our hand soap is great to use as part of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines of washing your hands (often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing). for more advice from the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on how to help prevent illness, go to:
can I buy method men and method body products at any retail locations?
yes, you can buy most of our products at shopper's drug mart, sobeys, and loblaws. not every retail location sells all of our products, so it’s a good idea to call your local store to make sure they have what you want in stock.
can anyone use method men or method body products?
yes! we love that you love method, and you can love it any way you choose. we created our method men line to provide more personal care options, including fabulous new fragrances for body wash and hair care, and new grooming goods like beard care, shaving balm and more. our scent-sational method body line is made with fab fragrances to match your mood. we welcome everyone and anyone to use our method products.
are your products vegan?
yes. all of our products are vegan because they don’t contain animal ingredients or by-products. we’re also cruelty free. and we’re also glad you asked – we have many attributes we'd like to shout from the rooftops but we can’t fit it all on our bottles.
where are your products made?
we make many of our method home products that are sold in North America at our very own LEED platinum, Zero Waste certified factory in Chicago’s historic Pullman district. For the remainder of our products, we work with carefully chosen manufacturing partners in the U.S. and Canada.
is method tested on animals?
safety + allergies
can I use method products around pregnant women?
method products are great to use around moms-to be (and dads-to-be, for that matter). we choose our ingredients very carefully when we formulate our products, because we know you want to feel good about using them in your home. like all household products, make sure to use them as directed, and keep out of reach of pets + children.
can I use method products around children?
you can use method products around your kids, and everyone else you care about. we are super-picky about the ingredients we use because we know you’re using our products around people you love. like all household products, make sure to use ours as directed and keep out of reach of pets + children. if you have any questions or concerns about using cleaning products around your children, please consult your pediatrician.
can I use method products around pets?
method products are great for use in homes with pets. we know fur-kids are family, and we think about pets and their people when we carefully formulate our products, like all household products, make sure to use ours as directed. if you have questions or concerns about using cleaning products around your pet, please consult your veterinarian for recommendations.
are method products ok for people with nut allergies?
you’ll be happy to know that all method products – including our almond-scented cleaners – are made free of nut proteins, which are typically what cause allergic reactions. please check with your doctor if you have any concerns about what’s right for you.
is method gluten free?
indeed. all of method’s products are made 100% gluten free.